Measurement of the pipe diameter
External pipe diameter - actual pipe diameter considering wall thickness
Note. When using the welding gauge it is advisable to measure the diameter in the range from 133 to 273 mm
positioning the welding gauge
- Before positioning the welding gauge, move the linear member 3 to a value of 50 mm and fix it in this position by tightening the nut of the set screw 6
- Continually pushing the fillet arm 2 and the top High-Lo arm 4 until it makes contact with the inspected object, find the position at which the values of the parameters h and k become equal.
˟ красным цветом выделены параметры, подлежащие измерению
measurement taking
- Take the parameter h from the vertical scale H or the parameter k –from the vertical scale K. To determine the desired parameter D, illustrated by Figure
- To determine the desired parameter D, use the calculator