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Measurement of the pipe diameter

External pipe diameter  - actual pipe diameter considering wall thickness

Note. When using the welding gauge it is advisable to measure the diameter in the range from 133 to 273 mm

  • Before positioning the welding gauge, move the linear member 3 to a value of 50 mm and fix it in this position by tightening the nut of the set screw 6 
  • Continually pushing the fillet arm 2 and the top High-Lo arm 4 until it makes contact with the inspected object, find the position at which the values ​​of the parameters h and k become equal. 

˟ красным цветом выделены параметры, подлежащие измерению

  • Take the parameter h from the vertical scale H or the parameter k –from the vertical scale K. To determine the desired parameter D, illustrated by Figure
  • To determine the desired parameter D, use the calculator

Using the calculator, you can determine the desired value from the measured parameters